Learn Russian the Easy Way!

пятница, 22 июля 2011 г.

Russian vowels

So, how you know, there are 10 vowels in Russian language:
А, Е, Ё, И, О, У, Ы, Э, Ю, Я
Consonant before а, о, у, ы, э we pronounce hardly (ма, мо, му, мы, мэ)
Consonant before е, ё, и, ю, я we pronounce softly (ме, мё, ми, мю, ме)

Each vowel is pronounced clearly, but the same letter does not always have the same sound. This is especially true of the letter О,  which sometimes has the sound of oh or ah. The letter e sometimes has the sound of eh or y.
The accent mark (') shows the syllable that is stressed. The stressed vowel is pronounced longer and louder.
Each word has only one stressed syllable.
Stress in the Russian language follows no rule. Any syllable can be stressed.

another vowels are pronounced in the same way with letter "A".

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